
Monday 29 August 2011

BioWare says FemShep is a red head.

Red head. Nice.
BioWare announced today that the official default Female Shepard will be a red head, having taken in 19,576 votes on their Facebook survey, over four times the runner up, Blonde FemShep.
Also, FemShep will be voiced by voice actress Jennifer Hale.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Some Dragon Age 3 details out of PAX 2011

Morrigan is back for a third round!
Some new Dragon Age 3 details out of PAX 2011:
- Morrigan and Flemeth are up to something, and you will likely run into them
- Ferelden and Kirkwall are mere specs in the game, the world of Dragon Age 3 encompassing both of them. We will likely get to visit Orlais and Teventir
- Uncertain whether Hawke is playable or not, although his story is not get over
- The new protagonist will likely be a new hero
- Blood is still in and may be ramped up further.

I am looking forward to this one. I loved Dragon Age: Origins (Awakening and Dragon Age 2 were ok) and I am hoping that the third installment will bring this franchise to the same level as the Mass Effect series. Stay tuned!